3 Ways to Harmonize (as Summer Heat transitions to Fall)
Acknowledge the “drying” of the natural world. Summer flora begins to dry and wilt, as such our bodies also begin to change physiologically as we prepare for colder temperatures. You may notice that your energy levels dip, just think of this as your body preparing for a big transition. With the “dryness”, our skin may change and so performing a daily or weekly oil self-massage (abhyanga) with almond or sesame oil is a great way to keep your energy grounded, keep dry spots looking radiant, and feel your best.
Stick with cooler, lighter meals (for now). Add in oils to meals, this will help with moisture in the skin and body as well as provide fuel for colder temperatures that come at the end of the month and into September.
Trigger Warning :-P
Our bodies require hydration to produce adequate (and healthy/comfortable) bowel movements. This means if we have less moisture, more dryness, there can be a tendency toward difficulties with digestion. A lot of this depends on your body constitution- you can take a quiz here to find out what your primary “dosha” is- but generally this time of year can bring bloating and indigestion, even decreased immunity. To counteract this, meals focused on simplicity may be easier to digest and tax your digestive system less. This is a great time for fruits like pears, peaches and anything else that’s in season near you.Give yourself some love. Practices like eating mindful, healthy meals that nourish you (and eating with people you enjoy being with is a bonus :)), staying calm, practicing mindfulness even if just a few minutes a day, and staying level-headed will take you far.
Remember, this is the beginning of a new season, and the ending of another. August is a pivotal month. Show up, and show yourself some love through a balancing harmony.
If you need help starting a breathwork or grounding practice, sign up for this totally free weeklong instructional video series that starts August 3rd.
So much love.
#cny #syracuse #pelvicfloor #pelvicflooryoga