Learning, teaching, tips & tools. Read during motivated moments, stressful workdays, or when manifesting.

5 Reasons Chair Yoga is Awesome
Yoga quite literally embodies change. You cannot have a practice without changing (your breath, your body, your perspective, your skin— sweat glands, yes), and it really happens no matter what that practice looks like. And— this year, for me? Yoga was all about remaining present - with breath, with all emotions and feelings, staying conscious/grounded even when I felt foggy or untethered— I practiced a lot off the mat. AND 2022 was the year after 2021, during which I was expecting, and very nauseous and ill, with a limited yoga practice.
3 Reasons “Why” Prenatal Yoga
Prenatal Yoga - Virtual and In Studio - Starts 11/8/2022 and goes for 6 sessions.
Empowerment! If you’re expecting you know all about the opinions of others - they’ve been shared with you, and oft not by request. As you make your way through a pregnancy, it can be challenging to feel grounded and confident- been there! As your body changes, your hormones shift things like appetite, energy level/fatigue, and circulation

3 Ways to Harmonize (as Summer Heat transitions to Fall)
Acknowledge the “drying” of the natural world. Summer flora begins to dry and wilt, as such our bodies also begin to change physiologically as we prepare for colder temperatures. You may notice that your energy levels dip, just think of this as your body preparing for a big transition. With the “dryness”, our skin may change and so performing a daily or weekly oil self-massage (abhyanga) with almond or sesame oil is a great way to keep your energy grounded, keep dry spots looking radiant, and feel your best.

International Day of Yoga & Summer Solstice 2022
What is less known is how these two elements of practice are two of eight, and that these limbs comprise a lifestyle. Think: yoga on and off the mat.
Posture, or “asana”, is not the same without “pranayama”, or mindful breathwork. “Dhyana”, or meditation, cannot be practiced well without restraint or observation (“yama” and “niyama”, respectively).

4 Reasons We All Love June
The most wonderful time of the year if you’re like me, and you live for the sunlight, warm weather, and fewer clothes.
No more putting on a jacket before you leave the house or making sure you have a hat on ::sighs with relief::
This list may serve as a reminder to enjoy the little things this month, moment to moment, day by day; because June goes by so quickly, I feel sometimes it ends before we realize it’s here…
Top reason? There’s more light (assuming you’re in the northern hemisphere), and this quite literally changes our body: When your skin is exposed to the sun’s rays (specifically UVB), these interact with a protein in the skin (7-DHC) which converts to vitamin D. When our levels of vitamin D are low this impacts our immune function and insulin production, it can also cause not-so-good changes to your bones if the level is extremely low, or low for a long time. Sunlight also helps to lift the mood by boosting the neurotransmitter (it modulates neural activity and a wide range of neuropsychological processes) serotonin. This also changes/regulates our circadian rhythm,

igLive speaker series: episode 18, Running & the Pelvic Floor
On May 3rd we’ll be re-starting our igLive sessions, starting with Dr. Julie Berube! She is a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist and founder of LiveWell CNY Physical Therapy in Manlius, NY. She is on a mission to help women live without pain, leaks, weakness, fear, shame or compromise. As a runner and mom herself, she has a special passion for working with runners to resolve pelvic floor issues and get back out on the roads!

Breath, Breath, Breath
Not enough people know about the relationship between the pelvis and our breath. Seriously. Don’t even get me started.
Though not widely known, the coordination of these areas serves a vital role for many things that we do, and ways that we move. Like, walking, standing, sitting, using the bathroom, being intimate, running, jumping, eating, yoga-ing. Did I mention we rely on the coordinate of the diaphragm/breath and the pelvis when we do something as simple as stand?

3 Ways to Reconnect with Earth
Root yourself, now, into whatever surface you’re on: floor, grass, mat, table, chair, sand. Press your feet down, push through your toes. Take a breath in. Close your eyes. Loosen your jaw and your fingers. Unlace the abdominals, relax as you breathe in, relax as you breathe out. The marvel of moments like these is that it doesn’t take much to become connected with where we have all come from: the natural world.

4 Ways to prepare your body for spring
4 Ways to prepare your body for spring;
Take. It. Easy. Oh, the inclination to clean everything or cleanse your home or yard on one beautiful day. Our bodies are waking up, and so is the earth; we recognize this physiologically, but this process must be completed slowly. Invite more activity by breaking large projects into smaller steps, especially ones that require physical/strength energy…

Sometimes, people are good…
One of the simplest and most effective educators of the last century is undoubtedly Mister Rogers. He was a person who tried to send important messages like:
-feelings are okay to have, and that they may fluctuate
-compassion often looks like putting ourselves in someone else’s shoes
-frightening and difficult things can be worked through with communication and honesty

2/2/2022, igLive with Dr. Alexandra Goodman
Dr. Goodman has articles to share as a follow-up to our conversation. Below are these items and links to them!
Twelve Steps for Starting a Support Group for Women Resident Physicians, read article by selecting hyperlink, is a how-to guide for developing a program similar to WiRL in your organization!
“Abstract: Women's support groups (WSGs) for resident physicians can bolster professional development, career advancement, networking opportunities, and collaboration across specialties. Additionally, WSGs can provide an outlet for women in residency to come together, share unique experiences, and alleviate burn- out. Gender-specific groups

What is Pelvic Rehabilitation?
The pelvic floor is a system of muscles, ligaments, tissue, and nerves arranged at the bottom of the pelvis that form a hammock supporting the organs inside of your pelvic cavity. Physical therapists address these tissues to see whether they are working efficiently through a series of ongoing strategies within a treatment plan.
Collect a comprehensive history (past and present)
Urine loss
Surgical history
Bowel, bladder, and sexual function

Vertigo: An Origin Story
It will be eight years this year that my life was spun in a thousand different directions. What I now understand was an acute unilateral hypofunction of my right vestibular nerve led me to the ER after two days spent lying flat on my back staring at my non-stop-spinning studio apartment ceiling in NYC. I thought until then that I was really doing everything right. I had a great job, I was living in the big city, had my own place and a great social life. I didn't feel limited in any way and nothing was stopping me. Until 4 am on an idle Tuesday in 2012. Waking up to the room completely spinning, I rolled out of bed in a complete panic: "I just need to stand up", I thought. I just need to fix my eyes on something, "why is everything spinning?"

What is a Physical Therapist?
PTs are movement experts who assess how you move to influence form, function, and effective recruitment to help you achieve your movement goals.